List of the 50 States

Consider the following list of 50 states as an exercise in memorization. When I memorized this list, I used the Journey method.

Using visualization and association, I quickly created 50 images representing each of the fifty different U.S. states. Then I "linked" them in a mental visual tour of the first floor of the office building where I work.

You've got a couple of options if you want to print this list.

To print a simple list, drag your mouse to highlight the list below. Go to your Print window (usually File → Print), and choose "Print Selection" to only print the list of states.

Or, you can print out a PDF file I made that includes both the states and the names of their capital cities.

U.S. States List

Below is the list of U.S. states. Printable PDF Version pdf

  1. Alabama

  2. Alaska

  3. Arizona

  4. Arkansas

  5. California

  6. Colorado

  7. Connecticut

  8. Delaware

  9. Florida

  10. Georgia

  11. Hawaii

  12. Idaho

  13. Illinois

  14. Indiana

  15. Iowa

  16. Kansas

  17. Kentucky

  18. Louisiana

  19. Maine

  20. Maryland

  21. Massachusetts

  22. Michigan

  23. Minnesota

  24. Mississippi

  25. Missouri

  1. Montana

  2. Nebraska

  3. Nevada

  4. New Hampshire

  5. New Jersey

  6. New Mexico

  7. New York

  8. North Carolina

  9. North Dakota

  10. Ohio

  11. Oklahoma

  12. Oregon

  13. Pennsylvania

  14. Rhode Island

  15. South Carolina

  16. South Dakota

  17. Tennessee

  18. Texas

  19. Utah

  20. Vermont

  21. Virginia

  22. Washington

  23. West Virginia

  24. Wisconsin

  25. Wyoming

The Journey method I used to memorize the 50 U.S. states in order is incredibly effective.

50 US States

I'm able to say the list forward or backward in order, and if you tell the name of any state I can then finish the list in order or go backward in the list to the beginning.

It's almost magical how well the memory systems work. It certainly appears that way to anyone not familiar with memory visualization techniques. And it's not that hard to learn!

Published: 03/18/2013
Last Updated: 11/27/2020

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