Anxiety was (oddly) causing me to lose my memory!

by Mrs. Anonymous

I was getting to where I would lose track of what street I was on... Once, I came out of a store and just couldn't remember anything - where I was, what I was doing, nothing... just walked out and my mind went blank.

memory problems story
I was taking the same road to my child's school and I would get confused on it. I would forget people's names immediately upon learning them... and for the most part I also couldn't remember much about what I did the day before.

My doctor prescribed "Sertraline" (the generic name for, I think, Zoloft). It is called an "anti-depressant", but I wasn't depressed. Apparently they prescribe "anti-depressants" for anxiety!

Well, I'm only taking a low dose of 50 mg. per day, and faithfully doing so, my memory - or at least 75% of it - has returned! It has made life so much easier!

I no longer worry that I'm developing "early Alzheimer's" (as a friend of my mom's did, and died around my age). BUT - you have to wait - they say - about 1 to 3 months for it to start working "fully" (I felt a difference in just 2 weeks!) AND you HAVE to *STICK WITH IT*!

It will pay in the long run if you take it *faithfully* *every day*! It has worked for me! Good luck & God Bless!

Thanks for sharing your story, and how wonderful that it has a happy ending. It's actually well-known that stress can cause memory loss.

But I find it very interesting indeed that an anti-depressant medication mostly cured your memory problems. As you say, this solution might be appropriate for others who are experiencing debilitating forgetfulness.

I did a little research online on Sertraline. You're right, Zoloft is the brand name for this medication.

According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), Zoloft increases the amount of a neurochemical called serotonin that helps balance the brain. It's often prescribed to treat:

- Anxiety/Depression
- Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
- Panic Attacks
- Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
- Social Anxiety Disorder
- Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (mood swings, etc.)
- Sometimes other uses, such as headaches

Fascinating that it can repair your memory! It's rare that medically related memory problems have such a fast and successful cure as you've experienced.

I'm so happy for you, and I'm sure that others around the world in similar situations who read this will benefit from your story.

Note: Anyone thinking of pursuing this option should consult with a qualified, knowledgeable physician as their first step.

Best regards,
This is information only. It is not medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

> > > Anxiety was oddly causing me to lose my memory

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May 04, 2021
Memory issues
by: Carly

I've had a bad memory for several years and my doctor chalked it up to anxiety. I started zoloft a few weeks ago and feel like my memory has gotten worse. Wondering if that will change. How long did it take for you to see your memory improve?

Nov 04, 2020
Anxiety symptom
by: Anonymous

Since I've been taking Sertraline I've noticed my memory has improved. I had become forgetful and confused due to anxiety which was very worrying, scary too!

I'm aware the drug can cause unwanted side effects at some point, particularly weight gain and if that happens I will change meds as that would make my anxiety and my general health suffer

May 17, 2019
OMG me too!!!
by: Caidensmom07

Hi Mrs. Anonymous! I can't believe I just found the story you shared about beginning to remember so much more, but more specifically I'm remembering people's names and details about their lives, once I started taking sertraline/zoloft 50mg for anxiety and not full blown depression but a disinterest in work and daily activities and getting out of bed without dread or impending doom.

So I'm almost two weeks on the medication and I feel absolutely amazing and so much more focused and happy and a sense of everything is going to be ok. Thanks for sharing!

Sep 04, 2017
Zoloft sharpened my mind, improved memory
by: Anonymous

After increasing anxiety brain fog and depression from an unsuccessful 8 months of job hunting, I went back to taking the Zoloft I had taken in the past. Much to my surprise this time, in addition to improving my mood, I noticed my memory returned to a youthful sharpness I hadn't felt in quite awhile. I'm convinced the depression was slowing down my cognitive function, and the speed and sharpness was returned with the return to my Zoloft.

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