Back to School Word Search Puzzle

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Back to School Word Search
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This Back-to-School Word Search is a fun way to exercise your brain. Solve it online or print it out. The online version is replayable. The letters rescramble when you restart.

This game is part of the free online brain games and word searches puzzles collections.

To begin, click the Open the Word Search button. This opens the puzzle in a pop-up window.

Quick Tip: To increase the size of the letters in the grid, click the +A button.

Back to School Word Search Instructions

For many more free word searches you can print out on paper, see my word search printables page.

Instructions: Find and circle the words from the list. Words may be forward, backward, vertical, or diagonal within the puzzle.

The words you need to find are listed on the right side of the puzzle. When you find a word in the puzzle, drag the word with the mouse to circle it.

Find all the words in the letter grid before your points fall to zero. If you give up searching for a word, click the Solve button next to the word. This circles the word in the grid for you.

HOW TO PLAY.  Find the words hidden in the letter grid. The words you need to locate are listed to the right of the puzzle.

When you find a word, use your mouse to cross it out. Words can be forward, backward, or at an angle.

If you can't find a word, try the Hint feature. Click the Hint button, and the first letter of one of the words in the word search flashes as your clue. Careful, though, you can only use this once!

As everyone with school-age children knows, the end of vacation means a return to school and stress. It is both a busy time and a hectic time for all involved.

Before jumping back in to all that studying, why not take a short break from all the excitement and solve this Back-to-School Word Search puzzle?

There are plenty of words associated with going back to school. The words you need to find in this puzzle are:

  • Backpack

  • Classes

  • Elementary

  • End of Summer

  • First Week

  • Friends

  • Haircut

  • High School

  • Middle School

  • New Shoes

  • Notebooks

  • Open House

  • Orientation

  • Paper

  • Pencils

  • Pens

  • Registation

  • September

  • Schedules

  • School Bus

  • Textbook

There are surely many more back-to-school words, but these were the first 21 that popped into my mind. In any case, this word search is a good brain exercise for anyone, whether they have kids or not.

SCHOOLS FROM AROUND THE WORLD. Here are a few miscellaneous facts about school from Wikipedia. I find trivia like this fascinating:

  • In North America, the term school can refer to any educational institution at any level. This is not generally true in the rest of the world.
  • Some of the most selective and expensive private schools in the U.K. are known as "public" schools, which can be confusing to speakers of North American English.
  • In much of the Commonwealth of Nations, including Australia, New Zealand, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, South Africa, Kenya, and Tanzania, the term "school" refers primarily to pre-university institutions.
  • In ancient India, schools were in the form of "Gurukuls", which were traditional Hindu residential schools of learning; often the teacher's house or a monastery.
  • Some well-known songs about schools include "Another Brick in the Wall" by Pink Floyd; "Back to School" by Bo Didley; "Back to School Again" by the Four Tops (from the movie Grease 2); "Getting Better" by the Beatles. There are many more.

Word searches are one of my favorite types of puzzle. I hope you enjoyed this back to school word search!

Published: 01/02/2011
Last Updated: 12/29/2022

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