Free Dominoes Game - Single Player or Multiplayer

Free Dominoes Game
Play Dominoes:

This free Dominoes game is just like the real thing. Play single-player against the computer or multiplayer against real people.

This game is part of the free online brain games collection.

To begin, click the Small, Medium, or Large button under the picture of the game. This opens the game in a pop-up window.

In multiplayer, play a friend on the same computer, a friend on two different computers, or Quick Match against random opponents.

Free Dominoes Game Instructions

If you like this game, you might also enjoy my Free Connect Four and Free Checkers Games pages.

Note: The instructions below are for the old Adobe Flash game.

The object of dominoes is to use all your domino tiles before your opponent uses all of his. The rules of dominoes are described below.

HOW TO PLAY. Each player starts with six dominoes. Players take turns trying to use the dominoes on their tray.

To make a play, drag a tile onto the table, positioning it so that it touches either end of the domino chain.

Note: Unlike standard American Dominoes rules, in this game the first tile (Spinner) thrown out on the board is not always a double.

As play progresses, the domino chain gradually increases in length. If one end of the domino chain goes off the screen, click Up / Down / Left / Right arrow along the edge of the game board to center the chain.

You may only play a tile which has a number on it that is showing at one end of the domino chain or the other. For example, if one end of the chain shows three dots and the other shows five dots, you must play a domino tile that has either three or five dots on it.

You can either play a domino from your tray, or draw a new tile. Don't draw too many new dominos, though. Remember, you need to get rid of your tiles to win!

Normally play stops when one player "chips out" (plays his last domino). If a point is reached where no player can proceed, the winner is the player whose combined sum of all spots on their remaining dominoes is the least.

Dominoes trains concentration and strategic thinking. Play board games like this often to give your brain a boost.

Published: 11/28/2010
Last Updated: 06/11/2020

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