Below is a collection of free printables for teachers to download for use in the classroom.
Are you are a teacher, professor, homeschool parent, tutor, or other educator? Then you have my permission to save these resources on your computer, print them out, and use them without restriction.
The printables you'll find on the page below include (these links jump down):
Sight Words Lists, Math Flash Cards, printable U.S. and World Maps including a list of U.S. state capitals, a Multiplication Chart, easy and difficult Sudoku Puzzles, and printable Word Search Puzzles.
Sight words are common words that beginning readers should learn to recognize without sounding them out. I've created several sight words lists and flash cards you can print out for free.
Included on my sight words page are the famous Dolch sight words lists for kindergarten through third grade. These lists include:
• Dolch 95 Nouns Sight Word List
• Dolch Pre-Primer and Primer Non-Nouns
• Dolch Grade 1, 2 & 3 Non-Nouns
• 100 Most Common Words in the English Language
Download page: Free Printable Sight Words Lists
You have my permission to print and distribute these lists for personal and classroom use, but you cannot sell them.
Reviewing flash cards is an excellent way for students to memorize basic information, such math facts. I've created several sets of math flash cards you can download:
Addition: 0 through 12, and 13 through 17
Subtraction: 0 through 12, and 13 through 17
Multiplication: 0 through 12
Division: 0 through 12
Download page: Printable Math Flash Cards
Choose between vertical flash cards, which look like traditional flash cards, or horizontal cards, which require less paper to print.
Teachers have printed these for distribution in their classrooms as an economical way to provide a set of cards for each student. Students receive a set of math flash cards for free, which they can review at home or school as often as needed.
A printed multiplication chart can help students learn basic multiplication facts. In addition to the math facts, the chart illustrates the multiples in an easy-to-understand, visual way.
All multiplication facts from 0x0 to 12x12 are included.
Download page: Printable Multiplication Chart
There are three sizes, from pocket size to a slightly larger size useful for hanging in the classroom or at home.
There are several world maps on this site you can download and print for your students or classroom. The maps show the outlines of the countries and/or continents.
The maps are useful when teaching students the names of continents, countries, and even world capitals. Continent names are included on the maps, but country and capital city names are not listed on most of the maps.
Ask your students write this information on the maps as a learning exercise.
The printable world maps and U.S. map include:
Map of the World, Countries Outlined, with the Americas centered
Map of the World, Countries Outlined, with Europe/Africa centered
Map of the World, Coastal Outline, with the Americas centered
Map of the World, Coastal Outline, with Europe/Africa centered
Map of Africa, with countries shaded
Map of Americas, with countries shaded
Map of Asia, with countries shaded
Map of Europe, with countries shaded
Map of Oceania, with countries shaded
Map of the United States, with states shaded
Download page for world maps and U.S. map: Printable World Maps
Download page for U.S. State Capitals: List of U.S. Capitals
The U.S. State Capitals page links to an online State Capitals Quiz you might find useful.
I taught a few classes at the company where I used to work. Asking my students to solve a puzzle at the beginning of class often helped them to focus in preparation for the lesson. Here are free Sudoku puzzle pages you can give to your students:
Download page: Printable Sudoku Puzzles
Sudoku is a number-based logic puzzle. To solve the puzzle, you must fill in the numbers 1 through 9 exactly once in the empty spaces of each row, column, and 3x3 cell.
There are four easy and four hard Sudoku puzzles to choose from.
Word searches are another type of puzzle many students enjoy. They can be handed out when your students need a break or as a warm up for class (as mentioned above).
Download page: Word Search Printables
There are 16 different printable word searches, including Back to School, Butterfly, Dinosaur, Earth Day, Memorial Day, Rain Forest, Wedding, and Spanish Vocabulary word searches. There is also a browser-based version of each word search that can be solved online.
Special Needs. I also have a collection of printable "special needs" word search puzzles. These simplified word searches are helpful for children or adults with traumatic brain injury, autism, or other cognitive special needs. Also free, of course!
If you have a "teacher page" on your school's website, please consider linking to this site. There are over 500 pages of free memory tips, brain games, and other educational resources for your students here.
You can link to any page you want, but here are a few to consider:
How to Improve Your Memory:
Top 5 Study Skills:
100 Free Brain Games:
Powerful Memorization Techniques:
Brain Foods:
How to Increase Your Reading Speed:
Free Printables for Teachers (this page):
Memory Improvement Tips Home page:
A link to my site is a vote of confidence and encouragement, and I appreciate it very much!
Published: 08/29/2012
Last Updated: 06/11/2020
Bubble Pop
• Solitaire
• Tetris
• Mahjong Tiles
No sign-up or log-in needed. Just go to a game page and start playing!
Free Printable Puzzles:
Sudoku • Crosswords • Word Search
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