In this fun logic game, merge food together with a twist. Match three-of-kind to upgrade that item to the next higher type of food. Keep going until you reach the goal for that level!
This game is part of the free online brain games collection.
To begin, click the Small, Medium, or Large button under the picture of the game. This opens the game in a pop-up window.
For BBQ foods, click the top food item on a skewer to select it. Then click another column to move the food there. For other foods, click a low-hanging food to move it to a plate.
For more fun logic puzzles like this one, check out the Free Puzzles Games page.
From the Game Developer: Merge Food Puzzle is a synthetic puzzle game. What's different from ordinary match-3 games is that successful matches don't disappear. They generate higher-level food instead.
The game has two modes: Merge BBQ and Merge Fruit. Merge BBQ has a variety of barbecues waiting for you to unlock, including corn, cauliflower, fish, squid, and more. Have fun!
HOW TO PLAY. In this fun logic puzzle, match three-of-a-kind foods to upgrade that food to the next higher level. For example, matching three lemon slices create one corn on the cob.
Work your way up until you reach the goal for the level. For example, lemon slices to corn to the next foods eventually reaches a whole fish, which is the goal for that level.
Challenges get harder as you go up levels. Start with Level 1 and see how high you can go!
REWARDS. If you get stuck, try using the Rewards buttons at the bottom of game. These include Swap food, move Column, and move Row.
The trick with this fun logic puzzle is to merge foods quickly enough that you avoid filling out the entire grid and running out of room. It's kind of like Tetris puzzles that way; if you fill up the grid entirely you lose.
NOTE: The instructions below are for the old Adobe Flash game that was on this page previously.
Control Jerry by logically placing cheese arrows in front of him. The arrows available to you are on a green plate in the lower left. Jerry has five "lives" to use up before the game is over.
The arrows dictate which way Jerry walks. At a minimum, he needs to pick up the blue key on the floor, and he needs to end up at the closed door (the exit).
Press the round, green Start button when you think you've placed the arrows so that Jerry will get the blue key and walk through the closed door.
The number of available cheese arrows is displayed next to each piece. For example, a "3" next to a "left cheese" arrow means there are three left arrows you can use.
If you don't like where you've placed the arrows, either move them individually or press the red Reset button to start the level over.
Green arrows disappear when walked on while the yellow arrows do not.
Try to pick up the special orange cheese prizes on each level for bonus points.
If Jerry hits a wall or one of the tables, he turns around and walks back automatically.
You may be able to use this to your advantage if you don't have enough cheese arrows to define the walking pattern you want.
SPRINGS. A spring placed in Jerry's path causes him to jump over the square in front of him. This is useful for avoiding pits in the floor that Jerry might fall into.
TELEPORTERS. Use the swirly teleporters to jump from one part of the room to another. Jerry jumps out the second teleporter in the same direction he walking when he entered the first one.
OBSTACLES. Be sure to steer Jerry clear of holes in the floor and flaming floor fans. If Jerry steps on either one you'll lose one of your five lives.
BONUSES. You can collect lots of bonus points if you are efficient.
Besides the extra points awarded for picking up the cheese snacks, you will also get bonuses for how fast you complete the level (Speed Bonus), getting it right the first time (First Try Bonus), and using up all the cheese arrows (All Arrow Bonus).
The underlying concept of this fun logic game is identifying the logical consequences of one action versus another. The better you analyze the possible movement patterns, the more complex they will likely be, and the higher your score.
Published: 10/31/2010
Last Updated: 04/28/2024
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