Goodgame Poker: Free Multiplayer Poker Game

goodgame poker

Goodgame Poker is a fun multiplayer online poker game. Play Texas Hold'em poker against real people from around the world.

Play this game free, right from this page!

Create and name your cartoon avatar. Then sit down to a virtual card table and find out who's the king of poker.

Note: This is not a gambling game. This card game is for entertainment purposes only. You play with virtual chips that cannot be exchanged for real money.

This online multiplayer Poker game is free to play. It's free to sign up, and you are provided free poker chips when starting out.

You're also given free chips for logging in each day. Enjoy many hands of Texas Hold'em poker against real players, for free!

Goodgame Poker - How to Get Started

Your Avatar screen

Signing up is easy. You just need to fill out two quick windows.

You need to enter a user name and email address. You also need to think of a password.

Your username, email address, and password are used to log in to Goodgame Poker each time you want to play. Feel free to choose a colorful name for your username.

For example, I chose "Thrasymachus" as my poker player's name, kind of randomly. Most people don't seem to use their real names but rather made-up names.

To create your account (or log in), open this link: Goodgame Poker. This opens the Your Avatar window.

Click your gender (male or female), then click the number cube to randomly change the look of your poker player. Then click the Continue button.

Register screen

Now the Register screen appears. On this screen, enter your name (the name of your player), your email address, and a password for use with Goodgame Poker.

Click the Accept Terms and Conditions link. and read those details. Then click the checkbox and the Save button. That's all you need to do to create your poker game account.

At this point, a Welcome to Goodgame Poker screen appears. Click the green Yes button on this screen to visit the in-game tutorial.

I highly recommend you go through the short tutorial. It reviews the rules of Texas Hold'em poker as well as details of the game. You'll receive 1,000 free chips for completing the tutorial.

More Free Poker Chips

In addition to the 1,000 free poker chips you get for completing the tutorial, you'll also receive a 5,000 chip bonus when you validate your email address (click the link in the email you receive from Goodgame).

But that's not the end of the free poker chips. In fact, you can also get free chips just for logging in each day. This Nice to See You Again screen shows the progression:

More Free Poker Chips Every Day

You get 300 more free chips the first day in a row (i.e., your second day) of logging in to Goodgame Poker. The day after that, you get 450 more chips plus 300 experience points.

If you keep your streak going, you'll get even more free poker chips. The next day, 600 free chips plus 450 experience points. On day 4, you receive 750 free chips plus 1 gold bar!

Why Goodgame Poker is Free-to-Play

This online poker game is truly free to play. I've played it up to Level 3 so far without paying any money.

With the daily bonus chips, it looks like I could play poker a very long time in this online game without spending real money. But if you do have the money, there are some fun perks you can buy in-game.

The way GoodGame makes money with this game is through a "freemium" model. You may have seen this with smart phone apps.

a Goodgame Poker avatar

Basically, in-game purchases are offered within the game. Visit the in-game Store to see the goodies and upgrades you can buy if interested.

I have an arrangement with Goodgame, so a percent of purchases you make go toward supporting The extras are all optional, though. If you just want to play poker free forever and never purchase anything, you can.

In my view, the way to make your chips last a very long time is to play conservatively. Some poker players go all-in at every opportunity, hoping Lady Luck will win the hand for them.

A skilled and conservative poker player can protect their winnings, and grow them with a little luck. There are various strategies for playing poker conservatively, and I'm not an expert poker player by any means.

But one obvious strategy is to not bet heavy if you've got lousy hole cards. In many cases, it's wise to just fold right away. This is logical if you think about it.

Example - Conservative Play Style

For example, suppose you are dealt a 2 of Hearts and a 3 of Clubs as your hole cards. While you might get lucky and end up with a strong hand like a full house with these cards, the odds aren't really on your side.

Pair of Kings: Good Hole Cards

And remember, if it comes to a showdown between you and another player, you're certainly at a disadvantage with low value cards. For instance, let's say you luck out and are able to make a full house out of those two hold cards plus the community cards.

If another player also has a full house that hand, theirs may be stronger than yours (since the value of your hole cards is so low), and you'll end up losing the pot.

For my hold cards, my rule of thumb has been I need at least one face card or a pair of anything to bet that hand.

So, if I'm dealt an Ace and a 5, I'll bet that hand, but not aggressively. If I'm dealt a pair of Kings, I'll definitely play the hand, and probably raise depending on how the community cards go.

You may be interested to know, card games like poker may help delay or prevent Alzheimer's dementia. In 2010 Dr. Jeffrey Cummings, a leading researcher on Alzheimer's, pointed to a study on 5,000 French people that showed playing cards twice a week meant a 50% risk reduction for all types of dementia.

Not concerned about memory loss? Card games still keep your brain sharp in other ways besides memory. Poker and other card games exercise important brain skills such as memory, critical thinking, and decision making.

This Goodgame Poker game has over 9 million subscribers. So there will always be players available online to play poker against. If you like poker, or want to learn, give it a try.

Published: 12/29/2015
Last Updated: 06/11/2020

Game distributed by Used with Permission.

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