Are you affected by memory problems? Post your story here on this site using the form below. Relatives, friends, and care-givers are also welcome to share their experiences. You are welcome to post supportive comments on any of the stories.
Some people suffer memory loss, severe forgetfulness, or other cognitive impairment during their lifetime. Maybe it's disease-related, as from ADHD or Alzheimer's, brain injury or stroke. Others were simply born with a bad memory.
This is an opportunity to share how you've coped with the mental, emotional, and social challenges of memory problems.
This is also a chance to offer empathy, advice, and encouragement to others who may be in a similar situation. Wouldn't it be comforting to learn that someone else in the world knows just how you feel?
Gweneviere Mann's story, for example, is one of struggle, courage, and hope. Gwen has short-term memory loss from brain surgery. She has posted her experience here on this site.
In her post and follow-up comments, she provides advice for others who suffer memory loss. If you have a story to tell, you can do so here as well.
Gwen was interviewed by National Public Radio. In addition to reading her story here, you can listen to Gwen in her NPR StoryCorps interview (video above).
What amazes me about Gwen is that, despite her memory problems, she has worked hard to keep a positive attitude and get as much out of life as she can.
If you have a memory problems story, consider posting it on (this site) using the form below.
And if you have encouraging words to share about someone else's story, post your thoughts in the comments section at the bottom of their story. I screen all comments for appropriateness.
Do you have problems with your memory? Are you a family member, friend, or caretaker of someone with memory problems?
Post your story to this website using the form below.
Below are visitor-submitted posts about memory loss and other types of memory problems.
These are personal accounts shared by visitors to this site. They tell of experiences with Alzheimers dementia, traumatic brain injury, age-related memory loss, brain tumors, and more.
Feel free to read through these stories. You can leave supportive comments or advice by clicking the "Click here to add comments" link at the bottom of the story.
Wacky, Wet, and Wobbly - A Story of Undiagnosed Hydrocephalus
This is a true story. "I've fallen again! Why can't I get up off the floor? How can I be so weak and clumsy??"
Buy her book on Amazon …
Mom's Sudden Memory Loss
Mom's memory diminished very quickly. In a matter of 3 months, she has lost short term memory ability. Now when I visit and spend a morning with her, …
Stroke, Blood Clot, Seizures, Brain Surgery, and Memory Loss
Early in October of 2014, I had a stroke and a blood clot in a vein at the same time. I had many seizures in the ambulance on the way to the hospital. …
Fiance with Retrograde Amnesia from surgery
I have been with my fiance for 10 years. After 6 years, he developed epilepsy and had a grand mal that almost killed him. Since then, he had short term …
Memory Problems from Blood Clot in Heart
In August of 2012 my fiance suffered a heart attack, a blood clot ended up on his heart. He was put on life support. The doctors performed an experimental …
Girl with Memory Problems
I just found this site today and am so thankful for it! I have had memory problems since I was born, and this year have just began learning how to use …
Memory loss is taking over my life!
For years now since I was very young I have struggled with memory. It's obvious I am a very intelligent young lady, but without your memory you lose all …
Accelerated Learning - Giving Back by Paying It Forward
After finishing engineering school and working a couple of years I decided to go to law school in 1963 while working full time. I had a wife and child …
Lifelong Memory Problems, Possibly Due to Accident
I am now 76, but I think that it would be accurate for me to say that since puberty I have had a memory problem. Why do I claim that my memory problem …
Memory Problems After Meningitis
I am very lucky to be alive after nearly loosing my life to bacterial meningitis and septicaemia in 2008. I am now 46 yrs of age and wife and mum to 2 …
Mother of daughter with short term memory
My daughter is 39 in a few days. It was 14 years ago as she was graduating from college that she was diagnosed with a brain tumor. She had to undergo …
Why isn't memory loss classed as a disability
Hello, I'm a 39 year old man. When I was 16 years old I got severe head aches and double vision which I got checked by my GP, he then sent me to hospital …
Daughter has no short term memory
In April of 2010 my daughter had brain tumor surgery. Since then she has no short-term memory, and anxiety attacks. This is very stressful on her and her …
Anxiety was (oddly) causing me to lose my memory!
I was getting to where I would lose track of what street I was on... Once, I came out of a store and just couldn't remember anything - where I was, what …
TBI in 2005
I galloped horses for 31 yrs and I loved it! It has been over 5 yrs, and I'm only about 40% of what I was. Now I am depressed and don't know what to do. …
My own bad brain!!!
My name is Deb and I have a very bad memory. It's also very unpredictable. I remember very little from the past, and when I do it is all out of order. …
I have had ECT treatments and have memory problems
I have had depression for many years. I have been told that depression can cause memory problems. Additionally, I have had many ECT (electroshock treatments). …
Memory Loss Due to Brain Surgery
Editor's Note: This is a true story of courage, determination, and hope.
UPDATE: Gweneviere Mann passed away July 22, 2018 from a rare form of lung …
Loss of Memory due to brain surgery
I had brain surgery in November 2008 to remove a brain tumor called a Meningioma. Because of the placement of the tumor and the work required to get it …
Elderly mother's forgetfulness
My problem is in dealing with my mother's forgetfulness, which is growing worse as she gets older (she's 85). The problem is that she refuses to do any …
Episodic Memory Problems
I indeed have memory problems. I am 16, and I am currently doing a sixth form course. We always get asked past tense questions, like what did you have …
Possible NPH Not rated yet
Throughout my life I have been screened for Parkinson’s, MS, and narcolepsy with no clear results. I have periodic vertigo that makes me fall, weakness …
Accident Devastated My Life But My Memory Returned Not rated yet
When I first woke up from my accident (I'd rather not talk about how it happened), I felt dizzy. I couldn't recognize anyone in the room but my parents. …
Memory Loss and Jumbled Speech from 2 Brain Surgeries Not rated yet
I had my first brain surgery in January 2009 for the removal of a cavernous malformation, a bunch of blood vessels twisted up in a horseshoe on my left …
Memory issues due to brain hemorrhage and meningitis Not rated yet
I suffered from right ganglionic bleeding on November 2015. After surgery I was shifted from ICU. Now because I was from poor category, from the beginning …
My Life Post Brain Surgery - Think Positive Not rated yet
I had brain surgery on April 15, 2013. I was only 35 years old. I was experiencing seizures due to a tumor on the right side of my temple. It bled …
Memory loss due to frontal lobe surgery Not rated yet
I had surgery back in 1989 for seizures and it all went well for 8 years. Then they started back, in 1997. Now my seizures are back although I try and …
Grandpa's Dementia Inspires Memory Improvement Book Not rated yet
My grandpa was a very special man. He was a larger-than-life character who overflowed with love and compassion for others. Dementia robs a person's …
Memory Loss for no apparent reason Not rated yet
I am now 57, and in my 4th marriage. I have three grown children and one aged 5, still at home. A late adoption while living overseas. My first marriage …
Memory Loss after Heart Operation Not rated yet
I don't have any proof for my memory loss but I am sure it is related to an operation I had at the beginning of 2014. Via a routine annual medical check-up …
Impact of traumatic childhood experience on my memory Not rated yet
I have had a traumatic childhood and growing up I managed to suppress the memory about the incidents in my subconscious. Consequently today I struggle …
Many Concussions Causing Memory Problems? Not rated yet
I am a 42 year old female. I have been dealing with panic attacks, depression, and headaches for as long as I can remember. I have been on so many different …
Old man with life-long memory problems Not rated yet
I am now aged 75, and only recently have I become aware of the extent of my poor memory and the consequences of that, throughout my entire personal and …
42 year old woman losing memory Not rated yet
I am a 42 year old woman, and I take care of many children for a living. Lately, this year especially, I am forgetting many things... phone numbers that …
Memory Loss: Is it just in my head???? Not rated yet
I am a 52 year old woman. Something changed with my memory last December. It is like a light switch is sometimes half-way off or all the way off. I remember …
TBI from Car Accident Not rated yet
On November 6th 2011, I was a passenger in an Acura car. We had just left a party and everyone thought my driver was sober. He got in the turning lane …
My memory is not as sharp as it used to be Not rated yet
For about two or three years, I've been forgetting things, for example going into the supermarket and finding I've left the list at home. I forget "normal" …
Memory Loss from Multiple Sclerosis Not rated yet
I'm 58 years young, and due to multiple sclerosis my short term memory has become almost non existent. It has been slowly yet steadily been declining. …
Absentminded SGT Not rated yet
This has been one of my most difficult challenges and I suppose the ironic part of it is that I go through upswings where I remember things better than …
Only 23, but should it be this bad? Not rated yet
Where to begin?.. I've brought it up to my doc but he says maybe you just have a bad memory. But can it be underlining for something else, or could it …
50 year old man with TBI Not rated yet
I had an ATV accident in Sep 08. Was in a severe coma for 3 months. I have bad short-term memory still... and looking to improve it. Peoples names …
Lifelong memory and imagination problems Not rated yet
I am really tired of my memory problems... My problems are: 1) I forget very quickly even next second. I don't remember any instructions given to me. …
My best friend has a brain tumor Not rated yet
This past New Year, I discovered my best friend has a brain tumor. He's only 17. Apparently it had been developing for the past three years and only …
Mother's memory loss from brain tumor Not rated yet
I am the daughter of a mother whom has recently gone through surgery that involved the removal of a tumor near her brain. For the last half year, my …
Law Student Uses Memory Techniques Not rated yet
I was trying to memorize law the old fashion way (flipping through flashcards) and having little luck trying to remember blocks of information. However, …
Memory: Looking for an answer Not rated yet
I had a malignant brain tumor at age 16. I've had radiation, 2 craniotomies, radium seed implants. Nothing stopped it. I went on a very strict macrobiotic …
Can't remember most recent events Not rated yet
I'm 42 years old and have noticed my memory problems getting worse over the last 2-3 years. I forget the simple day-to-day things mostly. Two of my children …
I deal with memory problems, DAILY!!!!! Not rated yet
For starters, I know for a fact that people are worse off than myself... I was in a severe car accident on June 3rd, 2000. I have to include this: 1 …
Recover my Concentration and Memory Not rated yet
I am a normal person, who is working in a Government Firm. There is a bit of pressure due to my job and so I sometimes feel very dejected and down in my …
I had traumatic brain injury Not rated yet
I was celebrating my 21st birthday and walking from the bar to a friend's house when a drunk driver hit me. How ironic huh? But I was a pre-law major, …
Problem of not remembering Not rated yet
The problem I am facing is that I forget and do not remember a single thing even after 1 second. I came to know about this problem when I was a child, …
If I can read you can too Not rated yet
I am 63 years old, and I can recall as a young girl at school I always had problems understanding reading and writing and if I read something I could not …
Night terrors and memory loss Not rated yet
My husband and son both have a learning disability. They can learn something and go to sleep and the next day it is gone. I have always thought it had …
Brain games for elderly mother Not rated yet
My mother is 95 and is having trouble with short term memory. Are there any computer games or DVDs that can exercise her brain and keep her interested …
Many of these submissions are heart-breaking tales of lost potential and tragedy. But you may be surprised, as I was, by the thread of determination and optimism that runs through some of these stories.
Despite life-changing troubles related to their memory, some brave souls manage to remain positive about the future. While recognizing their limitations, they nevertheless believe in their ability to change their lives for the better.
I have the utmost respect and admiration for those who never give up hope even under such difficult circumstances.
If you found these memory problem stories enlightening or interesting, you might enjoy reading through the Memory Improvement Questions that visitors have submitted.
Published: 04/13/2010
Last Updated: 06/11/2020
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