Paiger's TIP OF THE DAY: The Advantages of the Middle-Age Brain!

by Paige Connard
(Dublin, CA)

"A study in the British Medical Journal lit up the Internet last week with the conclusion that cognitive decline begins at age 45. While it’s true that some innate skills like memory and speed of reasoning fall off as we age, other aspects of intelligence related to learning and experience actually improve."

I'm posting this because it's something that I've been experiencing a lot of lately and then as usually my wonderful friend that I did a previous special posting on, Scott Freeman, posted the article for everyone to read.

Following are the things that I had ALREADY STARTED WRITING and I planned on telling all of you that had been happening to me lately, that have been: The Advantages of MY Middle-Age Brain! ;-)

So here you go!

HOW YOUR DREAMS CAN MAKE YOU SMARTER - ( - Positive and Negative for me at times! - Having and waking up in the mornings a few times after dreams that I had just had! These are things that PREVIOUSLY, (for some strange reason!) hadn't happened to me except for just a couple of times ever since my head injury!

And the other couple of times (especially the initial ones!) that it did happen, they were both very negative things that made me cry and I woke up thinking they had actually happened! The ones that just happened were so far two days in a row for the first time and they were slightly negative, but not too bad! ;-)

BEING ABLE TO RECALL THINGS - This is one of the additional positive things from my aging! Funny thing about this is that it actually happens that I recall things more frequently than several of my close family and friends, and they don't have any head injury excuse like I do, just old age!

And this is what Scott had originally posted here on facebook that has more detailed information from the article:

The Advantages of the Middle-Age Brain

Despite news reports about cognitive decline starting at 45, the middle-aged brain actually performs better in other ways.

My response to Scott Freeman's Posting after reading it, and he gave me a THUMBS UP!:

"Okay my friend, you've done it again! You've read MY MIND! This is EXACTLY what I've been experiencing more lately since I'm becoming older (and actually even more within the last several days!) And I was actually planning on posting as my TIP OF THE DAY for tomorrow! Just wait until you see what I post and I will refer people to read this also! Thanks again! ;-)"

Doug's Reply. Cognitive decline begins at 45? Now I'm really worried - because I'm 43! Guess I'll need to double-up on my brain games training from now on to head off the mental decline. :)

I think it may be true that some mental abilities improve with age. Your experience with dreams and recall, for instance, is quite interesting and encouraging.

And I've noticed some age-related improvements of my own. For instance, my reading comprehension seems better today than what I remember it being as a young man. I get a lot more out of books these days. Not sure why that is, but I welcome it.

Best regards,

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Feb 21, 2012
I Apologize!
by: Paige Connard

I didn't intentionally post twice on that one and mean for sections of that to repeat! When I went to enter my response it wasn't showing that it had registered the first time so I attempted to post what I had initially written!

And even when I looked on my e-mail message center to see if it had already gone through one time it wasn't showing that it had, so that's why I wrote it again!

I do have to say though, not too bad considering how poor my memory has been after my head injury! ;-)

Feb 21, 2012
Thanks, You Made Me Laugh!
by: Paige Connard

Because again, I appreciate your response but it makes me think of both the positive and the negative things that have been happening from the aging process! And I'll only tell you the positive things here!

I definitely have found at my wonderful age of 48 ;-) that I'm MUCH better now at winning more of the WORDS and ESPECIALLY THE Hanging Free games than I was before! And I LOVE it when I can recall some things more often than my hubby and some other people!

Also, my improvement of being able to read somethings has also happened a little bit. Right after my head injury I could only read less than a paragraph and couldn't remember reading it after a minute! Now I can read quite a bit more and remember it longer! In fact, I think one of these days soon, I'm going to give myself a test to determine exactly how much it, is so that I have a better knowledge and preparation for future reading of items.

That way I'll know when I'm finally able to start reading a full book and actually benefiting from it! ;-)

Feb 20, 2012
Doug You Made Me Laugh Too!
by: Anonymous

After I had such a severe loss of memory of WORDS, ( in general, spelling and definition!), ever since my head injury I have learned to play a combination of my two favorite games that I've found that both help me to recall them and have a lot of fun!

They are: WORDS HD and Hanging Free! The second great thing about them helping me to recall words and definitions that I previously knew before my head injury, they are also helping me to keep in touch with several old and new friends more frequently than I did before I started playing games with them!

And the third and very important way that they have helped me is that they post a photograph of each of the people I am playing the game with, along with their name written out, rather than a fake name that they chose, like it is in many other games! All wonderful things that help me with my memory loss after the head injury!

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