Problem of not remembering

by Darryl
(United Arab Emirates - UAE)

The problem I am facing is that I forget and do not remember a single thing even after 1 second. I came to know about this problem when I was a child, and it got worse as I grew up.

memory problems story
The problem I face is as follows:

1. Now as I am working I face this problem of not remembering even what is said to me even after the next minute.

2. I am employed as a document controller on a construction site and have to remember many things like dates of submission, dates of letters, submission of different types of materials etc...

... but now I find it very difficult to remember this which causes a very big problem for me. I request you to please help me in this matter.

Doug's Reply: You seem to have trouble holding information in your short-term memory. You might also have problems processing that information in your working memory.

I can think of two things you might want to try.

1. Take notes. Get a small notebook and carry it with you always. At your job, write everything down. Divide the pages by date so you know what day each thing was said. To help you remember better, re-write your notes neatly and carefully every night at home.

There are various "planners" you can buy that are perfect for this. They include blank calendars, address books, and dated note pages. In the U.S., "Day Timer", "Day Runner", and "Franklin Planners" are common. But even a regular blank notebook would work well.

2. Start training your short-term memory and working memory. Studies have shown that these can be improved by repeatedly playing certain types of brain games designed for that purpose.

There are over 200 free brain games on my website. I recommend that you spend at least 15 minutes each morning and 15 minutes each night playing memory-related brain games.

Your issue is very challenging but try not to get too discouraged. While you might not be able to completely "fix" your poor memory, I think you can find ways to manage the problem.

This is information only. It is not medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

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