Recover my Concentration and Memory

by Venugopal
(India )

I am a normal person, who is working in a Government Firm. There is a bit of pressure due to my job and so I sometimes feel very dejected and down in my life.

memory problems story
One day I will be free from all worries and happy. But the next immediate day, I will have a problem in concentrating and will not know what to do. I cannot control my mind and stop worrying.

If I look back there is no specific reason for my worrying. So I feel I have to improve my concentration and my memory and stop this wavered thinking.

Please help me increase my concentration and memory and stop getting into this wavered thinking.

Doug's Reply: I think many people feel as you do. Some days the weight of our responsibilities is overwhelming. We wonder why we work so hard, subjecting ourselves to so much stress.

However, focusing on the negative can lead to a downward spiral that lowers our mood, making it hard to concentrate, remember, and simply be happy.

There could be many reasons why your mood is worse some days compared to others. Perhaps you didn't sleep well the night before. Who knows.

The solution, in my opinion, is to adopt habits that improve your mood and calm your mind regardless of stress or other negative factors affecting you on a particular day.

Here are some ideas:

1) When you feel stressed at work, take a five-minute break,
find a quiet place, and focus on your breathing.

Breathe slowly and deeply *from your stomach*. This activates your brain's Theta waves, which improves concentration and calms your mind.

2) At home, start a daily habit of Mindfulness Meditation. This type of meditation also involves focusing on breathing.

Get up 10 minutes early each day and meditate. This will reset and calm your brain in preparation for the day.

3) Use your religious or philosophical beliefs. When you have a bad day, find a few quiet moments and give your problems over to a higher power, the universe, etc. This can work wonders in lifting a heavy burden off your shoulders.

4) Add a few minutes of exercise to your daily routine. Take a brisk walk in the morning, during your lunch break, or in the evening. This will improve your body's ability to transport oxygen to your brain, which can help you stay more alert and focused during the day.

5) Make sure you are drinking enough water. Surprisingly, being even a little dehydrated can hurt your concentration and mood.

I hope you find these ideas helpful. Let me know how it goes.

This is information only. It is not medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

P.S. - For more tips on concentration and memory, see the Improve Your Concentration and Quick Memory Tips pages on this site.

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