ThinkClip tool to help my dad remember

by Ryan Neil
(Cleveland, Ohio, USA)

My father started forgetting things, so I got him a ThinkClip for his keychain. It's a metal clip that attaches his keys to whatever he needs to remember and it seems to be helping. He can't run out the door without the item in question. I think their website is

Doug's Reply. Thanks for the tip, Ryan. I checked out their website and it looks like a great product.

The Think Clip concept is simple but effective. You can't go anywhere without your keys, so attach your keys to whatever you don't want to forget.

This method will work even if you don't have the Think Clip. Just put your keys on top of the item you want to remember. For example, if you don't want to forget those letters you need to mail, place your keys on top of them. Don't want to forget your shopping list? Lay the list on a table or countertop and put your keys on top of the list.

The Think Clip makes this even more reliable, of course. By literally attaching your keys to the item, there's much less chance that you'll grab your keys and still forget the item.

Very cool product, wish I had thought of it.

Best regards,

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