Looking for Triple Yahtzee score pads? No worries! You've got options.
First Option: I've made a free Triple Yahtzee score sheet that you can print right now. Free is certainly good. And if you're in a hurry, this option can't be beat.
Second Option: You can buy official Triple Yahtzee Score Pads through the recommended links below. Keep reading for two online sources that usually carry the score pads.
From what I've seen, score pads for the Triples version of Yahtzee are hard to find. Local stores often don't carry them, although regular Yahtzee score sheets are everywhere.
That's why I decided to create a free, printable Triple Yahtzee score sheet for personal use. You have my permission to print and duplicate it as many times as you need.
In fact, you can email my score sheet to anyone or post it on your blog or website. The only restrictions are 1) you cannot sell it (no commercial use), and 2) you must leave the website link at the bottom of the score sheet in place.
Need free "regular Yahtzee" score sheets? I have those, too.
My free printable Triple Yahtzee score card (above) has the same rows and columns as the official score pads.
In particular, it has the two extra columns for "Times Two" and "Times Three" scores, as well as the Triple Yahtzee totals section at the bottom.
But mine isn't fancy or colorful. It's just black and white - which actually saves you ink when printing it out.
The official score sheets may include columns shaded red and blue, and even the Yahtzee cartoon avatar.
If you really want the offical score pads, you can find them online. Amazon and Ebay are two websites I know of that often have them.
You can purchase Triple Yahtzee score cards through the Amazon link at right. You'll be buying direct from game maker Hasbro.
But prepare for sticker shock. At the time I wrote this, a single box of 80 score sheets cost nearly $30!
I guess Hasbro figures they've got the market cornered on the official score pads. Still, it might be worth the steep price to have the real deal, as some reviewers on Amazon have said.
On Ebay auctions, you can sometimes find score pads for Triple Yahtzee from 1972, 1978, and other early editions for less than what new score pads cost on Amazon. To find them, go to ebay.com and type "Triple Yahtzee" in the search box.
When I visited Ebay a few minutes ago, the top three results were:
1978 Milton Bradley Lowe Deluxe Triple Yahtzee Score Pads, 100 Sheets, $6.49, Buy It Now, Free Shipping
Triple Yahtzee Score Card Package 1972, 4 pads, Vintage Lowe Company, 1 day left, $9.99, 1 bid, Free Shipping
Triple Yahtzee Set of 4 Score Pads, E.S. Lowe 1973, Triple Yahtzee Game Sheets, $12.50, Buy It Now
Because it's an auction site with many sellers, the specific products on Ebay often change. But it might be fun to get a set of Triple Yahtzee score pads from the 1970's. Could bring back memories.
There you have it, three ways to get Triple Yahtzee score cards:
Print out my free Triple Yahtzee score sheet, above
Order a set of new score pads from Amazon.com
Try your luck on Ebay auctions
I hope you found this page helpful! If so, please tell your friends about it.
By the way, a lot of visitors to my site enjoy playing regular Yahtzee online. You might want to check it out.
As with all the brain games on my site, the online Yahtzee game is free to play. No logging in, no registering. Just go to the game page and start playing.
You also might like Scrabble Sprint and the UNO Card Game online.
Published: 09/03/2013
Last Updated: 06/11/2020
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