Why isn't memory loss classed as a disability

(Wimborne, Dorset, England)

Hello, I'm a 39 year old man. When I was 16 years old I got severe head aches and double vision which I got checked by my GP, he then sent me to hospital for a CT scan of my brain which revealed I had a brain tumour that needed removing instantly!

memory problems story
My initial operation was 13 hours long of which I have had 7 more operations on my brain since for scar tissue removal, a shunt fitted to my brain and taken out and replaced due to blocking. I am angry because it has severely affected my memory causing instant memory loss.

This has affected my work and my family life/whole life. I am angry because I can't work nowhere near as well as I could and with a wife and family I find it hard -near impossible to support my family!

So why is it that my condition isn't classed as a disability when I'm close on being completely useless?

Doug's Reply. I don't know why your memory loss condition is not considered a disability in England. It seems obvious that the effects of your brain surgeries have significantly hurt your ability to function and earn a living.

I'm sorry that I don't have a good answer for your question. But thank you nonetheless for sharing your story. Brain cancer victims around the world who also have suffered the after-effects of a brain tumor and surgery will read it here on this site, and perhaps take a small bit of comfort in knowing that they are not alone, and that others such as yourself are faced with similar challenges.

I will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.

Best regards,
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Mar 10, 2012
Brain Tumor survivor - Continuous Discrimination
by: Anonymous

I am a 37 yrs old female. I have had 3 neurosurgeries and radiation treatment, and I have memory loss. I cannot remember high school, except a piece here and there, but I can remember lots of childhood events.

I cannot hold a job, my memory loss has affected my college education, my career and of course my everyday life. Most days I spend searching for something I've misplaced. I have to have a routine to remember where things are. I have to take notes of the simplest things.

I applied for Social Security disability. They gave me a simple memory test that was repeated several times until I got the test right. I passed it because I used acronyms to remember the terms, but all of the words started with a different letter so it was easier and determined I was not disabled.

I struggle daily. I was discriminated against with the college program I attended and I am reluctant to tell employers because I was discriminated against. I am not a liar but come across as one because I can't recall things.

It's worse under stress, i.e. a test, or an interview. It's very upsetting when nobody understands or cares, especially when you don't have the money for representation and the government doesn't recognize your condition as a disability. I'm not stupid, just forgetful.

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