Below are printable Yahtzee score sheets that you can print, use, copy, and distribute for free.
Although you can play Yahtzee online right here on this site, usually it's more fun to play with paper and dice in person with your friends. Before your next Yahtzee party, print out as many of these free Yahtzee score cards as you need.
By the way, if you need free printable scoresheets for Challenge Yahtzee, Jackpot Yahtzee, Team Yahtzee, or Triple Yahtzee, I have those as well (scroll down this page). And if you would rather just buy a pack of regular official Yahtzee scoresheets from Hasbro, the last time I checked you can find them on Amazon.
These free score sheets are saved in PDF format. To view and print a PDF file, you need the Adobe PDF Reader on your computer. You can download a free copy of the PDF reader from the website if you do not already have it.
I made these Yahtzee score cards. They are for personal use only. You have my permission to print, copy, and distribute them to anyone. Exceptions: 1) No commercial use (you cannot sell them), and 2) You must leave the web link at the bottom of the scoresheet in place.
Printable Yahtzee Score Sheets
To open the Yahtzee score card file, either click the image above or click the following link: Score Sheets
This opens the PDF file in a new window. You can print the score sheets by selecting File then Print. A Print window opens where you can set print options such as number of copies.
NOTE: Some browsers don't handle PDFs very well. For example, in FireFox the score sheet sometimes prints out too small. For best results, download the Yahtzee score sheet to your computer and open it from there. To download the score sheet, right-click on the link or image and select the "Save Link As" option.
The large size is zoomed in, with one card on the page. It's much bigger and may be a bit easier on the eyes for those who are sight impaired or don't like to squint at small writing.
To view the large score sheet, click the image at left or click this link: Large Yahtzee Score Sheet
As I mentioned above, for best results download the score sheet to your computer (using right-click "Save Link As") and open it from there.
In some browsers you can also save the Yahtzee sheets file to your computer using commands like File > Save a Copy, or right-clicking and selecting Save Page As.
For those looking for Yahtzee spin-off score sheets, here are Challenge Yahtzee, Jackpot Yahtzee, Team Yahtzee, and Triple Yahtzee score sheets:
CHALLENGE YAHTZEE. Challenge Yahtzee is similar to regular Yahtzee and uses the same basic score sheet. It is a faster-paced game where players use common rolls. It was released in 1974. Here are the free Challenge Yahtzee Score Sheets.
JACKPOT YAHTZEE. Jackpot Yahtzee was released around 1980. This version is like playing a combination of Yahtzee and Connect Four. Here are the free Jackpot Yahtzee Score Sheets.
TEAM YAHTZEE. I've also made a Team Play version of the score sheet. This version is useful if, for example, you're hosting an event where up to six people need to play Yahtzee at the same time as a group.
TRIPLE YAHTZEE. Triple Yahtzee came out in 1972. Essentially it's like playing three games of Yahtzee at the same time. Here are the free Triple Yahtzee Score Sheets. Note that the Triple Yahtzee score sheets have their own page on my website.
The free Yahtzee score cards I made have all the same rows and columns as the official score sheets. So if you only play occasionally, it makes sense to print out a few sheets at a time (above) as you need them.
But not everyone has a printer, as a recent visitor pointed out. If, like him, you don't mind paying a few dollars, there are many places you can buy "official" Yahtzee score cards.
For example, Amazon is a good place to order them online. The last time I looked, a pack of 80 score cards cost about $7, shipped direct from game-maker Hasbro. You can order them through the Amazon product link at right.
You can also buy Yahtzee score card packs offline at regular stores. Check your local toy store or superstore. WalMart had the score cards the last time I checked.
Score sheets for standard Yahtzee are not nearly as hard to find as the refills for game variants like Challenge Yahtzee, Jackpot Yahtzee, Team Yahtzee, or Triple Yahtzee. Stores don't seem to want to carry those!
It's been awhile since I've played Yahtzee on paper. But I remember playing it with friends back in the late '70s as a child, and it was really a blast. If you've never tried the game,
pick up a copy of Yahtzee and bring it out at your next party or family get-together.
Published: 06/04/2010
Last Updated: 09/26/2020
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